
Blank Canvas Prject (end)

Blank Canvas Project (end) Previously the UPSR results were announced publicly. The top scorer or the A-students would receive prizes immediately after the announcement. The underachievers, on the other hand, got nothing more than a piece of paper. UPSR result which mainly comprised of E’s and D’s. I have always seen this as emotionally bias and unfair. In the light of this realization, I developed a tradition. A Motivational speech seemed like a correct thing to do. The bes t prize in the world a teacher could give? It doesn’t matter what grades they got. The amount of A’s or E’s in their UPSR result does not define them. It doesn’t shape them. It also doesn’t make them a more successful or less successful than the other. It doesn’t matter. Instead, the amount of HIT they have taken the way to achieve one DOES. It WILL make them better. The pain they endure WILL shape them, and the way they perceive the world WILL form their own ways of dealing things in their life. Mo...
This beautiful and rich with diversity country is sometimes nothing more than a shit place to live in. Its uniqueness on multicultural race sharing and living together that supposedly make Malaysia one of the most desirable country to be, is only a thin layer of icing on a cake. What went wrong? Footage of Masjid Austin clashed was viral via the social media. There’s nothing wrong in that. People like to share things. What was wrong was how people react to it. Some were heavily disgusted by it while some other sparked new hatred with sentiments. I was about to type “it will be a matter of time when someone will start to view this as a racist issue” when it was already featured in another site asking for full condemnation toward the couple. I was gobsmacked. Sentiment and other played major role way back before this. When the PPSMI and Etems were introduced, most of the teachers without English Language background knowledge were sceptical. Millions were spent and the teachers w...

Greyhouse Publication

Wahai pembaca   dan rakan-rakan yang budiman , Penerbitan  R umahKelabu  adalah sebuah Syarikat Penerbitan bebas (indie) yang telah beroperasi sejak awal 2016. Kami menerbitkan buku-buku berunsurkan sastera+seni, buku kerja latihan murid(pendidikan) dan lain-lain lagi. Buat masa ini, kami memberi tumpuan kepada penerbitan  Fanzin Berbahasa Inggeris Eksperimental Sastera+Seni yang bernama: "To Outrun The Grey Cloud". Dear readers and friends, Greyhouse publication  is an (indie) independent-publishing company operating since early 2016. we publish literature+arts, workbooks and many more. For the time being we are focusing on publishing our  English Language experimental Literature+art fanzine  "To Outrun The Grey Cloud".